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Find spaces inspired by very special places in Colombia with our themed rooms in Villavicencio
This room type for two guests offers a great view from the balcony and hammock. It is equipped with a king-size bed, two nightstands and a private bathroom with constant hot water.
Capacity for 2 guests
Comfortable room with a design with typical details of the region, equipped with a king-size bed, a single bed and two nightstands, a private bathroom with constant hot water, and exterior and interior views.
Capacity for 3 guests
“No se parece a nada conocido”
“La celebración agradecida de los dones del mundo”
“Un tesoro de diversidad biológica”
“Una verdad sobre la belleza exagerada”
“El esplendor de la naturaleza”
“Un río de historias”
This comfortable room is equipped with three single beds and two nightstands, has a private bathroom with constant hot water, an open closet, interior and exterior views of our terrace, and decoration with typical details of the region.
Capacity for 3 guests
This room has an excellent view from the balcony and is equipped with a king-size bed, two nightstands, a balcony with a table and two chairs, a private bathroom with a tub, permanent hot water, and a closet.
Capacity for 2 guests
“Estará aferrado a su alma como recuerdo”
“Una naturaleza activa, vigorosa y fecunda”
Our comfortable room has two rooms and is equipped with a king-size bed, three single beds and nightstands, a private bathroom inside the room with constant hot water, a table, two chairs, an open closet and two mirrors, one full-length and one small. It offers exterior and interior views.
Capacity for 5 guests
Our special two-room room is equipped with a king-size bed and nightstands, a hammock, an open closet, and two mirrors, one full-length and one small. It offers views of the interior and exterior, and spaces such as a living room and dining room.
Capacity for 2 guests
“Un desafío para la imaginación”
"El agua corre porque está hechizada, así corre el Río Manacacías y saltan los delfines rosados"
Inspired by the Manacacías River
"The water runs because it is enchanted, that is how the Manacacías River runs and the pink dolphins jump"
Our room has a king size bed and nightstands, a table, two chairs, an open closet, a hammock and a bathtub inside the room.
Capacity for 2 guests
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